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Sedert die begin van TPE was dit 'n ernstige fisiese pop

Sex dolls are more perfect than real people. Recently I saw a news picture on the Internet. The sex doll manufacturer launched a new Japanese sekspop with a facial structure similar to that of the movie star Tang Wei. Some netizens criticized Tang Wei's version of the sex doll for wearing too little cloth. I feel that the doll manufacturer disregards Tang Wei’s feelings too much. Because of this news, I typed in the word on Baidu, and the search results showed a lot of information about sex dolls, from manufacturing technology to how There are various information on purchase, use, etc.

Ek het nie moed opgegee nie en wou kyk of dit in die buiteland beter sou wees, en toe was ek heeltemal verdeeld. In 'n sekere land van Amazon kies ek spesifiek die prys van hoog na laag, en die resultaat is die eerste een om te sien? Aantreklike ou, wie is jy? So koketterig, is dit die legendariese volwasse man? Dit is natuurlik net 'n bietjie humor.

Since TPE, it has been a serious physical doll, and the goodlooking beauty also start from here. TPE material is a kind of foamed flexible plastic with thermoplasticity, and most airplane cups on the market now use this material. TPE can be melted and repaired by itself. Compared with the silicone dolls we will introduce in a while, Tpe sekspop are lower in cost and soft, but their shaping ability is weak, and there is no way to express the lines and details of the human body.


Arabiese skoonheid wat op 'n sekspop ry

Sedertdien Liefde pop have not only blossomed everywhere in France, but countries such as Germany and Austria have also begun to imitate them. However, Germany's is the cheapest and Austria's is the most expensive. But so far, people still secretly put the dolls in private, but not long after, a famous artist showed the dolls publicly for the first time. This person is Oscar Kokoschka.

The Internet facilitates the dissemination of information, and also eliminates people's fear of being laughed at by others, and reduces the risk of buying sex dolls. As a result, the sales of dolls increased significantly. Afterwards, various websites and magazines related to sex dolls (such as Dolord magazine in Japan) appeared. On these websites, people shared dolls in different costumes, and people also shared each other. Exchange the purchase experience of dolls, etc. The increase in demand and the advancement of technology have enriched the category of sex dolls. At this time, there are also a large number of male and transgender dolls. Many businesses also support private customization at this time and make them according to customer requirements. Even imitating a real person.

The oldest physical evidence of a clearer character, definitely labeled as a goedkoop sekspoppe, comes from southern Siberia. In 2017, a group of archaeologists excavated a sex doll made of soapstone from a pretty's grave. Its head was sculpted to show different parts of the face, while the body has decayed. This number is believed to be over 4,500 years old.

Real Sex Dolls Aankondiging


Swart Vrydag sekspophandelsmerkverkoping aanlyn inkopieversameling


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Dit is 'n versameling van alle huidige handelsmerkaktiwiteite op hierdie webwerf. Elke maand streef ons daarna om verbruikers van verskeie aanbiedinge te voorsien, en deelnemende sekspoppevervaardigers kan van tyd tot tyd verskil. Kortom, hier vind u enige soort popaktiwiteite wat u wil hê, ons sal voortgaan om op te dateer ...

Hou 'n groot Halloween sekspoppartytjie


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Ons het iewers in die Verenigde State 'n groot inkvisspeletjie Halloween-kostuum gehou, en jy is welkom om deel te neem, waar ons 'n klomp sekspoppe met heilige feeskostuums uitgestal het. Sodra jy by die partytjie-lokaal aankom, sal jy eers die Halloween-heks sien. Die heks se naam is Sabrina, Sabri ...

Hoe kan u sekspoppe versorg?


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Gewilde realistiese sekspoppe-produkte