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Hoe om behoorlik vir jou realistiese sekspop te sorg

Proper cleaning and care of your realistic sex doll is key to its beauty and longevity. This article will give you the proper cleaning and care methods to ensure your Irontech-poppe always looks like new.

Deel 1: Voorbereiding voor skoonmaak

Know your doll's material and manufacturer's recommendations
Buy dedicated cleaning products and tools

sekspop katjie

Part II: Daily Cleaning Guidelines

Gently cleans the HR Poppe exterior and intimate areas
Wash doll surfaces with warm water and a mild detergent
Gently wipe with a soft towel to ensure all dirt and residue is removed
Avoid using alcohol-based or abrasive cleaners as they can damage the doll's material

Deel drie: Diep skoonmaak en ontsmetting

Gereelde diep skoonmaak, veral van intieme areas
Sanitize with specially designed cleaners to ensure complete kill of bacteria and germs
Pay attention to proper rinsing and thorough drying to prevent the growth of mold and odors

sekspop heupe en gat

Part Four: Care and Storage Tips

Regularly lubricate the SE poppe joints and moving parts to ensure smooth movement
Avoid exposing the doll to sunlight to prevent fading and deformation of the material
Bêre in 'n toegewyde popstaander of boks om spanning en vervorming te vermy


By following the correct cleaning and care practices, you can maintain the beauty and quality of your FANREAL Poppe, extend its life, and ensure a hygienic and pleasurable experience every time you use it.

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Real Sex Dolls Aankondiging


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